Saturday, August 30, 2008


The journey through life is never easy. At this stage, you may have begun to experience the struggles and complexities in life. Meeting these complexities is a challenge you need to face often alone or sometimes with the help of others.
As you walk through life, whether you like it or not, you have to take options such as deciding to stand firm and tall about who you are and what you believe in or to make choices to cross over to some other vantage point. In the process, you turn your weaknesses into strengths and get connected with those who see life differently. In the end, however, the journey that you will take ultimately leads you to find meaning in life.
This lesson hopes to make that journey more rewarding as you sharpen your communication skills in reading, speaking, listening and writing.

After studying and working on all activities in this module, you will be able to:
1. express opinion in writing;
2. use correct pronunciation for effective communication;
3. value the importance of perseverance and patience in facing life’s trials and challenges;
4. take a full responsibility in any consequences as a result of one’s choice and decision; and
5. identify the tenses of the verb and its uses.


1. Read each section carefully. If you have not read the first two sections, go over them first.
2. Each module begins with a brief Introduction or Overview followed by a list of Objectives you are expected to learn.
3. As you work on the activities, try to relate them to the objectives of this module. What skill or strategy does the activity develop?
4. After working on all the activities take the Posttest.


Read the story below and answer the questions that follow.


NARRATOR: Once there was a big lion that lived in the forest. All the other animals were afraid of him. Every day the lion went through the forest to hunt for food. The animals tried to hide from him, but the lion always found one and killed him. The forest was not a safe place for the animals to live in. at last the wolf thought of calling all the animals to a meeting.

Wolf: It is good that everyone is present. We are here because we have a big problem. Our lives are in danger.
Goat: Meeeh! What can we do to save ourselves from the lion? He eats one of us everyday. Soon, all of us will die.
Doe: The lion is fierce. He has no pity for anyone. I remember that day I left my little one alone. When I came back, my little one was gone.
Zebra: What shall we do? The lion is wise. He roars to frighten the animals. They cry in their hiding places. That is why the lion knows where to find them.
Bear: The lion’s sharp claws can tear us into pieces. He can climb a tree with his strong paws. And his teeth are very sharp.
Monkey: Everyone is afraid of the lion. He is only one. We are many. Can we not stop him from killing us?
Fox: If we don’t plan well, then we will all die. Why don’t we think hard and talk about the matter?
Wolf: What do you suggest?
Rabbit: Everyone should think of a plan. Then we shall decide which the best is.
All: we agree. Let’s think of a good plan.
Narrator: the animals thought and thought. Many gave suggestions. Finally, they chose the rabbit’s plan, for they thought it was the best. So, that night the animals went to see the lion. As they came near the cave, they were frightened. But when they saw how brave the rabbit was, they went on.
Lion: What do you want?
Bear: King Lion, we have come to tell you about something that will help you.
Lion: What is it?

Bear: We know that you are King of the Forest but you must stop eating animals. You have killed many. Those you have not killed are afraid to stay in the forest. Soon, there will be no animals left.
Lion: What shall I eat? I must have something to eat.
Bear: We will take care of that. Each day, we will choose one animal for you to eat. He will come to your cave so that you will not hunt for food.
Lion: That is a good plan. Let’s try it.
Narrator: The animals carried out their promises to the lion. Each day, they sent one little animal to the lion’s cave. Each night, one of them was missing from the forest.
One day, the rabbit was chosen to be the lion’s meat. He started for the lion’s cave early in the morning. But he thought that he might as well have all the fun he could have before he was eaten. So he played along the way. It was very late when at last he hopped to the door of the lion’s cave. The lion was very hungry.
Lion: Why have you kept me waiting for so long?
Rabbit: Good morning, King Lion. Would you like to see a big lion that looks just like you? He has a voice like yours, too.

Lion: Where is the other lion?
Rabbit: I cannot tell you that, King Lion. You have to come and see for yourself.
Narrator: then the rabbit hopped away through the forest and the lion followed him. Soon they came to a deep well. There was water at the bottom of it and it was very deep.
Rabbit: Look down there, King Lion. There he is.
Narrator: The lion looked down into the well. There he saw another lion. He opened his mouth and roared. The echo of his voice was very loud. He jumped into the well to fight the other lion and drowned. The rabbit hopped back to tell to the other animals about the good news.
After that, the animals lived in peace in the forest.

Reference: English Expressways III, Teacher’s Manual pp. 41 - 43

Activity 1 – VOCABULARY
Below are definitions. Read each carefully and find the words being defined from the paragraph above.

__________________1. to pursue for food or in sport; to try to find, seek
__________________2. an act of coming together
__________________3. violently hostile or aggressive in temperament; ferocious; cruel
__________________4. a hole sunk in the earth to obtain a natural deposit – as of water
__________________5. to utter a full loud prolonged sound

Arrange the following events according to the sequence from the story. Use number 1 to indicate the first event, then 2, 3, 4, and 5 for the last event.

___1. The rabbit tricked the lion and soon meet his own death.
___2. All the animals thought hard and give suggestions and finally chose the rabbit’s plan.
___3. Everyday the animals sent one animal to the lion’s cave for his food.
___4. The wolf called for a meeting.
___5. The animals were worried about the hunt for food of the lion.


1. What is the conflict of the story?
2. Why do the animals tremble with the King Lion?
3. How did the animals solve their problem?
4. How did the rabbit trick the lion?
5. How is the story called?


1. If you were one of the animals, what could you suggest to solve the problem?
2. If you were the lion, how will you deal with the rabbit’s trick?
3. Do you think a group without a leader can be peaceful in the real essence of being peaceful? Why do you say so?
4. Why is the lion always presented to be the king of forest? What then should be the qualities of being a leader?

Activity 5 – GRAMMAR

Underline the Independent or Kernel sentence and box the dependent sentence. Then, encircle the subordinating conjunction used.

1. The first tree rejoiced because the woodcutter brought her to the carpenter’s shop.
2. When the woodcutter took her to the shipyard, the second tree smiled.
3. The third tree was confused after the woodcutter cut her.
4. As a young woman placed her newborn baby in the feed box, golden starlight poured over the first tree.
5. She flinched while she was carried through an angry, jeering crowd.
6. The traveler fell asleep until a storm came.
7. Though she felt ugly and cruel, the third tree knew that God’s love changed everything.
8. The third tree was startled because she was yanked from the forgotten wood pile.
9. Many people become undesirable citizens because they think too much of their privileges.
10. The third tree felt her heart sink when the last woodcutter looked her way.




One morning an especially large dewdrop fell from the leaves of a tree right into the ocean. The waves took her along with them. She tried to free herself but in vain. She was afraid that at any minute, she could be wiped out. But then, she heard a voice call out, “Hurry up. Come into my house; here you’ll be safe.”
Blindly, she followed the saving call, and before she knew what had happened, the door of a clamshell closed tight. At first, the dewdrop gave a sigh of relief. But then slowly, it dawned on her that she might be safe in this house but never free again. She would never again be able to reflect the rainbow colors of the sunlight. She confided her worries to the friendly lady of the house. The old clamshell told her, “If you stubbornly fight against what fate has in store for you, you’ll just find yourself hopefully and helplessly. But if you patiently accept all that fate has in store, you’ll be at ease.” And then she added mysteriously, “Then you will grow stronger from within yourself. And one day, you’ll be a thousand times more beautiful than when you fell off the tree.”
But the dewdrop sulked. Then she finally decided to follow this advice even though she did not understand it. She lived on silently without complaining, completely turned in on herself as she grew inside the clamshell. She somehow felt that there was something growing inside her and giving her strength. She was happy about it and thought, “Good luck to the times that are past; today can not last forever, and who knows what great things tomorrow might bring.”
One day when the clamshell had its shell opened, the dewdrop saw something white floating in the water. But they were not flowers. They were the fingers of the pearl diver, who plucked the clamshell along with many others from the reef.
Soon all the clams were laid out on the beach and a girl opened each of them very carefully. Suddenly, she jumped with joy, “Oh! Look at the absolutely perfectly pearl that I have found! It has the shape of a dewdrop and it reflects all the colors of the rainbow.”
The girl’s companions all looked at the precious pearl in her hand as it lay on a lotus leaf.

Reference: Roads to Greatness I, pp. 203 – 205

Activity 6 - VOCABULARY
Below are definitions. Read each carefully and find the words being defined from the paragraph above.

_____________________1. of no real value; worthless
_____________________2. removal or lightening of something oppressive, painful, or distressing
_____________________3. to have or show faith; trust; to tell confidentially
_____________________4. destiny; the cause or will that is help to determine events
_____________________5. to be or become moodily silent or irritable

Arrange the following events according to the sequence from the story. Use number 1 to indicate the first event, then 2, 3, 4, and 5 for the last event.

___1. She was worried because she might not be free again but later on, she lets it be.
___2. She was formed into a very precious pearl that made a girl overjoyed.
___3. A dewdrop fell into the ocean and the wave took her along with them.
___4. Then she heard a saving call from nowhere.
___5. She followed the call and soon found herself inside a clamshell.


1. What was the problem of the dewdrop after falling off the tree?
2. What saved the dewdrop?
3. What happened to the dewdrop inside the clamshell?
4. What made the new-found pearl an absolutely perfectly pearl?
5. What values are learned by the dewdrop in her stay inside the clamshell?


1. Were you once become a dewdrop in your life? Why?
2. If you were that dewdrop, would you follow the saving voice? Why?
3. Which part of the story struck you most or you liked most? Explain why.

Activity 10

Write a short message intended to your friend who suffered much more than you do and desperate with their life. How would you encourage them not to commit suicide and realize that life must go on

Activity 11 – VERB TENSES

Complete the table below by writing the correct Past and Past Participle forms of the given Verbs.

1. sing

2. dance

3. walk

4. run

5. wipe

6. clean

7. eat

8. swim

9. write

10. read

11. sway

12. compose

13. sit

14. discuss

15. explain

16. ring

17. plan

18. develop

19. play

20. draw

Activity 12
Underline the Verb in each sentence and then identify its tense. Write your answer on the space provided for.

________________1. The fair drew a big crowd for many years.
________________2. She tore herself away from the exciting game.
________________3. Gertrude swam the English Channel.
________________4. It begins to rain.
________________5. The boy wants to rest.
________________6. The teams will need the uniforms on Monday.
________________7. The swimmer practices everyday.
________________8. The trumpet sounded flat.
________________9. The bells rang for fifteen minutes.
________________10. Martha begins her lessons in guitar.


1. Write a short paragraph about one of your experiences in the past that gave you a lesson for life – that through that experience, you were able to learn to value a thing. Title it with “My Memories”. Remember to use the past, present and future tenses of the verb correctly.
2. Draw a five-pointed star. On each wing, write what you dreamed or ambitioned to reach or achieve in your whole life. Then at the center of the star, write the thing you dreamed the most. Below the star, write a short paragraph stating the steps you have to undergo to reach your dreams.


/ U / sound

Exercise 1


Exercise 2

1. a good cook
2. full of soot
3. ambush in July
4. stood by the pulpit
5. shook the wood
6. a wolf by the brook
7. not good to look
8. pull the fulcrum
9. a crooked cook
10. took a good book

/ u / sound

To produce the / u / sound, the tongue is pulled back in the mouth and humped toward the soft palate, but not as far high as in the / U / sound. The lips are slightly open to form a hole for the air as it leaves the mouth when it is pushed through. The teeth are slightly parted. Since the tongue is not humped so high, the air leaves the mouth in the lower position.

Exercise 3


Exercise 4

1. a fruit juice for my brood
2. improve your routine
3. pool in school
4. a smooth canoe
5. a coup in June
6. a rude brute
7. a blue room
8. the brutal truth
9. a frugal crooner
10. few shoemakers

Activity 13

Read each sentence carefully. Choose the right word in the parenthesis to complete the sentence. Underline your answer.

1. The (fool, full) is (fool, full) of pranks.
2. The suitor (wood, wooed) the lady to help him carry the (wood, wooed).
3. His (suit, soot) was very dirty with (suit, soot).
4. Daddy tried to (pull, pool) me to the deep (pull, pool).
5. (Look, Luke) what (look, Luke) did.
6. He gave her a (suit, soot) that was full of (suit, soot).
7. (Shoed, Should) we tell the woman how he (shoed, should) the day away?
8. Ed gave the (fool, full) account of how he was treated like a (fool, full).
9. Luz tried her best to (pull, pool) the boy out of the (pull, pool).
0. During supper, Johnny (stood, stewed) up and (stood, stewed) the meat.


Read the story below and answer the questions that follow.


Once upon a time, the king of the dragons who was an old bachelor took into his head to get married. His bride was a young dragonette, barely sixteen years old – lovely enough to be the wife of any king. The wedding caused mush rejoicing. The fishes, both great and small, came to offer gifts to the newly weds. For many days, all was feasting and merriment.
But alas! Even the dragons have their trails. Before a month had passed, the young dragon queen fell ill. The doctors gave her every medicine that was known to them, but none helped her. At last, they said that there was nothing more to be done. She would probably die.
But the sick queen said to her husband, “I know of something that will cure me. Get me a live monkey’s liver and I shall get well at once.”
“A live monkey’s liver!” exclaimed the king. “What are you thinking of, my dear? You forget that we dragons live in the sea, while monkeys live on land far away from us, among the forest trees. A monkey’s liver! My darling, you must be mad.”
The young queen burst into tears. “I have asked you for only one small thing,” she whispered, “and you won’t get it for me. I was afraid you didn’t really love me. Oh, I wish I had stayed at home with my own papa and mama.”
The dragon king didn’t like to have it thought that he was unkind to his beautiful, young wife. So he sent for his trusted servant, the jellyfish, and said: “I have rather difficult task for you. I want you to swim across the land and persuade a live monkey to come here with you. Tell the monkey how much nicer to live here in Dragon Land than where he lives so that he will be willing to come with you. What I really want from him is his liver to be used as a medicine for the queen.”
So the jellyfish started off to his strange errand. In those days, he was just like any other fish, with eyes, and fins and tails. And he also had little feet so that he could walk on land. It did not take him many hours to swim across the country where the monkeys live. Fortunately, there happened to be a monkey on the branches of the tree near the place where the jellyfish landed.
“Good morning, Mr. Monkey,” said the jellyfish. “I have come to tell you of a beautiful place where the weather is always pleasant. There are plenty of ripe fruits on the trees, and there is none of those mischievous creatures called man. Will you not get on my back and let me take you there?”
The monkey thought it would be fun to see a new place. So he jumped on the jellyfish’s back and off they started across the water.
When they had gone about a halfway, he began to fear that there might be some hidden dangers. It seemed rather odd for a jellyfish to come so far to carry a stranger home simply to see the place.
“Mr. Jellyfish, why did you think of coming for me?” the monkey inquired.
“My master, the king of the dragons, sent me to get you,” answered the jellyfish. “He wants to give your liver as a medicine to the queen.”
“Oh, that’s your little game, is it?” thought the monkey. But he kept his thought to himself and only said, “Nothing could please me better than to be of service to the king and queen. But I left my liver hanging on the branch of that bid tree where you first saw me. A liver is heavy to carry, so I generally take mine out and play without it. We shall have to go back for it.”
The jellyfish agreed that there was nothing else to do but to go back and get the monkey’s liver. The silly creature did not see that the monkey is only fooling him in order to save his life and his liver.
When they reached the shore again, the monkey bounced off the jellyfish’s back and was up the tree in less than a minute. Then he said, “I do not see my liver here. Perhaps somebody has taken it away. Go back and tell your master what has happened. He might be anxious if you did not get home before dark.”
With that, the
jellyfish started to go home. When he told the king of the dragons what happened, the king was so angry with his stupidity that he called his officers and said: “Away with this fellow! Take him and beat him to jelly! Do not let a single bone remain unbroken in his body!”
The officers seized the unfortunate jellyfish and beat him as the king commanded – that is the reason why jellyfishes have no bones.
When the young queen found she could not have the monkey’s liver, she made up her mind to get well without it.

Reference: Exploring life through Filipino Literature I, pp. 42 - 44

Activity 14 – VOCABULARY
Below are definitions. Read each carefully and find the words being defined from the paragraph above.

________________________1. an unmarried man
________________________2. to show one’s feeling suddenly; a sudden outbreak
________________________3. to win over to a belief or course of action by argument or entreaty
________________________4. a short trip taken to do something
________________________5. harmful; causing annoyance or small injury


1. Where is the setting of the story?
2. What was the problem in the kingdom?
3. Why did the dragon king ask the jellyfish to fetch the monkey?
4. How was the problem solved?
5. Why was the jellyfish badly beaten?


1. If you were the king, would you do the same? Why?
2. Do you think that giving up of something is a proof of true love? Why do you say so?
3. To what extent will you do things for love?


1. What did you learn? Do you think it will be helpful in your life? Why do you say so?

2. What is then your challenge with the knowledge you have right now?

Friday, August 29, 2008


Did you already have an answer to the questions raised in your module 1 hand out? Is your life’s purpose clear to you now? Do you already know what you want to be in the future? Have you found your place in this so-called Earth? Or are you still wondering and in search for your identity? If that’s the case, you better go through with this module.
This lesson will tackle more about being you – your strengths, your talents, and God-given gifts. Do you believe that each one of us, including yourself, has a very special gift from God which others don’t have? If you do so, then discover it and enhance it for His greater glory by getting busy with this lesson.
After studying and working on all activities in this module, you will be able to:

1.) find and develop self-confidence in talking and in facing the crowd;
2.) arrange details or events according to its sequence in the story;
3.) write a short paragraph about the things they do before death;
4.) express one’s feelings towards his father through script writing;
5.) use correct conjunctions in the sentence; and,
6.) gain inner strength by putting themselves to the shoes of the boy in the story.
1.) Read each section carefully. If you have not read the first two sections, go over them first.
2.) Each module begins with a brief introduction or Overview followed by a list of Objectives you are expected to learn.
3.) As you work on the activities, try to relate them to the objectives of this module. What skill or strategy does the activity develop?
4.) After working on all the activities take the Posttest.
Read the paragraph inside the box and answer the questions that follow.
Many people are gifted with different talents but most of them are just a part of the audience on certain occasions. Their stage fright is the very reason why some are not stage performers. It is normal to experience stage fright according stage performers. Actors and actresses believe that you can overcome your stage fright by changing your perception about stage fright and by following basic tips, you can conquer it.
Try these tips to get you on stage without butterflies in your stomach.
PRACTICE. Constant practice makes perfect. You have to trust yourself. Self-confidence is the best way to control or overcome stage fright.
TALK TO YOURSELF. Instead of thinking that you will be forgetting some lines, or that you will not be able to pronounce the words correctly, think that you will delivering flawlessly, that you have talents to show, and that people will appreciate your extraordinary performance.
VISUALIZE. Picture yourself on stage with so many people listening as you do your part without committing PRACTICE WITH A SMALL AUDIENCE. After you have practiced your piece alone, you may invite other family members or friends to listen as you rehearse. Or prior to inviting other people, you may rehearse in front of a mirror for you to seethe needed improvements to your facial or body gestures.
Are you beginning to feel confidence as the curtain is about to unfold? Are you still nervous? If yes, don’t worry, that’s normal. Here are some suggestions to overcome nervousness.
YAWN. Our body needs oxygen to keep our muscles relaxed. Yawning keeps our tight muscles relaxed and breathing becomes shallow.
STRETCH. Just like yawning, stretching also helps muscles relaxed. Do some simple exercises like shaking your hands and feet, rotating your neck and head, then keep still until the spotlight hits you.
FOCUS ON THE FIRST FEW LINES OF YOUR PIECE. After you have delivered the first few lines, you will notice that your nervousness is slightly disappearing.
TRUST YOURSELF. Keep telling yourself that you will not make the audience notice it.
After your successful performance, you will realize that you can overcome your stage fright and face the even work to your advantage if you learn to overcome it. After that flawless performance comes another until facing big audiences becomes fairly easy.
After each performance and your audience is in standing ovation acknowledging your extraordinary performance, bow your head gently and be humble.
a single mistake.
By Nathaniel M. Casculan
Ref. English Expressways (Teacher’s Manual) pp. 27 - 28

Below are definitions. Read each carefully and find the words being defined from the paragraph above.

____________________1. one who fulfills, carries out, or gives a performance
____________________2. conquer; to make helpless or exhausted
____________________3. an act or result of perceiving; ability to understand
____________________4. to open wide especially to open the mouth usually as an involuntary reaction to fatigue or boredom
____________________5. to say again; repeat; to recount in order

1. What is stage fright?
2. What happens when a person experiences stage fright?
3. What are the tips given by the writer to overcome stage fright?
4. What are some suggestions just before a person goes on stage?
5. Why is stage fright normal?

1.) How do you prepare yourself if you are about to be speaking or performing in front of a crowd? How did you prepare yourself every Saturday?
2.) Is self-preparedness a guarantee to a successful performance? Support your answer.

Underline the Conjunctions used in the sentence.

1.) Martha is an executive and Donis is a software analyst.
2.) She prefers clean and fragrance-free soap.
3.) Not only is Cecilia kind, but she is also beautiful.
4.) Either Denis or Paolo will come along with you.
5.) I prayed for a miracle, but it did not happen.
6.) He came late although he knew what time he was expected.
7.) The watchmen went home because there was nothing to watch.
8.) Those boys act as if they own the streets.
9.) Try to do your task as you were told.
10.) The parade went on and the people cheered.

Read the story below and find out who shows inner strength or courage.
He came into the room to shut the windows while we were still in bed and I saw he looked ill. He was shivering, his face was white, and he walked slowly as though it ached to move.
“What’s the matter, Schatz?”
“I’ve got a headache.”
“You better go back to bed.”
“No. I’m all right.”
“You go back to bed. I’ll see you when I’m dressed.”
But when I came downstairs he was dressed, sitting by the fire, looking like a very sick or miserable boy of nine years. When I put my hand on his forehead, I knew he had a fever.
“You go up to bed,” I said, “you’re sick.”
“I’m all right,” he said.
When the doctor came, he took the boy’s temperature.
“What is it?” I asked him.
“One hundred and two.”
Downstairs, the doctor left three different medicines in different colored capsules with instructions for giving them. One was to bring down the fever, another a purgative, the third to overcome an acid condition. The germs of influenza can only exist in an acid condition, he explained. He seemed to know more all about influenza and said there was nothing to worry about if the fever did not go above one hundred and four degrees. This was a light epidemic of flu and there was no danger if you avoided pneumonia.
Back in the room, I wrote the boy’s temperature down and made a note of the time to give various capsules.
“Do you want me to read to you?”
“All right. If you want to,” said the boy. His face was very white and there were dark areas under his eyes. He lay still in the bed and seemed very detached from what was going on.
I read aloud from Howard Pyle’s Book of Pirates, but I could see he was not following what I was reading.
“How do you feel, Schatz?” I asked him.
“Just the same, so far.” he said.
I sat at the foot of the bed and read to myself while I waited for it to be time to give another capsule. It would have been natural for him to go to sleep, but when I looked up he was looking at the foot of the bed, looking very strangely.
“Why don’t you try to go to sleep? I’ll wake you up for the medicine.”
“I’d rather stay awake.”
After a while, he said to me, “You don’t have to stay in here, Papa, if it bothers you.”
“It doesn’t bother me.”
I thought perhaps he was a little lightheaded and after giving him the prescribed capsules at eleven o’clock I went out for a while.
It was a bright, cold day, the ground covered with a sleet that had frozen so that it seemed as if all the bare trees, the bushes, the cut brush, and all the grass and the bare ground had been varnished with ice. I took the young Irish setter for a little walk up the road and along a frozen creek, but it was difficult to stand or walk on the glassy surface and the red dog slipped and slithered and I fell twice, hard, once dropping my gun and having it slide away over the ice.
We flushed a covey of quail under a high clay bank with overhanging brush and I killed two as they went out of sight over the top of the bank. Some of the covey lit in the trees, but most of them scattered into brush piles and it was necessary to jump on-the-ice-coated mounds of brush several times before they would flush. Coming out while you were poised unsteadily on the icy, spingy brush, they made difficult shooting and I killed two, missed five, and started back pleased to have found a covey close to the house and happy there were so many left to find another day.
At the house, they said the boy had refused to let anyone come into the room.
“You can’t come in,” he said. “You must not get what I have.”
I went up to him and found him in exactly the position I had left him, white-faced, but the tops of his cheeks flushed by the fever, staring still, as he had stared, at the foot of the bed
I took his temperature.
“What is it?”
“Something like a hundred,” I said. It was a hundred and two and four tenths.
“It was a hundred and two,” he said.
“Who said so?”
“The doctor.”
“Your temperature is all right,” I said. “It’s nothing to worry about.”
“I don’t worry,” he said, “but I can’t keep from thinking.”
“Don’t think,” I said. “Just take it easy.”
“I’m taking it easy,” he said and looked straight ahead. He was evidently holding tight onto himself about something.
“Take this water.”
“Do you think it will do any good?”
Of course it will.”
I sat down and opened the Pirate book and commenced to read, but I could see he was not following so I stopped.
“About how long will it be before I die?”
“You aren’t going to die. What’s the matter with you?”
“Oh yes, I am. I heard him say a hundred and two.”
“People don’t die with a fever of one hundred and two. That’s a silly way to talk.”
“I know they do. At school in France the boys told me you can’t live with forty four degrees. I’ve got a hundred and two.”
He had been waiting to die all day, ever since nine o’clock in the morning.
“You, poor Schatz,” I said. “Poor old Schatz. It’s like miles and kilometers. You aren’t going to die. That’s a different thermometer. On that thermometer, thirty-seven is normal. On this kind it’s ninety-eight.”
“Are you sure?”
“Absolutely,” I said. “It’s like miles and kilometers. You know, like how many kilometers we make when we do seventy miles in the car?”
“Oh,” he said.
But his gazed at the foot of the bed relayed slowly. The hold over himself relaxed too, finally, and the next day it was very slack and he cried very easily at little things that were of no importance.
Ref. English Expressways III pp. 88 – 90

Activity 1
Given are the definitions of the words found in the story you read. Read each carefully and find the words being defined in the story.

_______________1. not normal or sound; not in good health; sick
_______________2. a strong laxative
_______________3. to lay down as a guide or rule of action; to direct the use of (as a medicine) as a remedy
_______________4. a small inlet; a stream smaller than a river larger than a brook
_______________5. to slip or glide along like a snake
Activity 2

1. What do you think of the father’s choice of the reading material for his son?
2. How does the father show his love for his son?
3. Why would a young boy behaved heroically in the face of death?
4. Who shows inner strength, Schatz or his father?
5. What is the conflict of the story?
Activity 3
Arrange the following events according to the sequence from the story. Use number 1 to indicate the first event, then 2, 3, 4, and 5 for the last event.

___1. Schatz understood that there are many kinds of thermometer and that each has different basis for normal temperature.
___2. Though he was sick, he still closed the windows of his parents’ room as his daily routine.
___3. The father read the book about Pirates.
___4. The doctor left three different kinds of medicine.
___5. The father shot a covey.
Activity 4

Complete the following sentences.
1. If I were Schatz and thought I was about to die…
2. If I were his father and saw the way Schatz looked and acted, I would…
Activity 5

Read each sentence carefully. Bear in mind the rules on Subject-Verb Agreement as you read each sentence. Choose which group of words or word makes the sentence grammatically wrong and write it on the space provided for. Choose NO ERROR if the sentence is grammatically correct.

___1. Your presence are unique and one of a kind. NO ERROR.

___2. Mrs. Alaras, together with her children, believes in friendship as a good investment. NO ERROR.
__3. Two-thirds of the students counts their blessings. NO ERROR.

___4. Economics are applied in everyday life. NO ERROR.

___5. One of the blessings from God are people to interact. NO ERROR.

___6. Either my father or my sisters tells me to hope for the good. NO ERROR.

___7. I, together with my friends, am able to resolve my problems through reflection. NO ERROR.

___8. Nobody wants to have heavy problems. NO ERROR.

___9. Troubles, including anger and hate, do not contribute to one’s happiness. NO ERROR.

___10. Many were happy to have their dreams realized. NO ERROR.
Activity 6
Conjunctions are connectors. Connectors that combine two equal sentences are called COORDINATING CONJUNCTIONS. Connectors that combine a clause and a sentence are called SUBORDINATING CONJUNCTIONS.
Underline the Conjunction used in the sentence.

1. Stella played the fiddle and Gina banged the drums.
2. I enjoyed giving parties but I hate cleaning up the mess.
3. We could look for seashells or we could swim in the ocean.
4. I can’t remember his name but I can remember his face.
5. Amy should return the book or she will have to pay a fine.
6. Carol raised her hand when a question was asked.
7. We couldn’t find the road because it was too dark.
8. They will play ice hockey if the lake is frozen.
9. I was resting quietly until a bee flew into my hair.
10.Vic fell asleep even though the film was exciting.
Activity 7
A. Use an appropriate Conjunction to join the two sentences. Choose from the given Conjunctions.
as soon as
1. The lesson was very difficult. The students enjoyed it a lot.
2. The teacher chose varied teaching strategies. She prepared interesting visual aids.
3. The students can work individually. They can join in a group.
4. The students do their activities inside the classroom. They can also explore places outside the school.
5. The students are exposed to the different situations in life. They are being prepared to face life’s realities.
B. Fill in the blanks with the correct subordinators given inside the parenthesis.
1. Jokes are corny _____ the punch line is well delivered. (although, unless)
2. Mr. Maverick usually washes his socks _____ going to bed. (before, after)
3. Therese thought of her best friend _______ cleaning her room. (when, while)
4. Our teacher tried to make it to class ________ he had a fever. (although, since)
5. The graphic artist has been working with his computer ___________ Friday. (since, after)
1. Develop 3 paragraphs by continuing the sentences below.
The things I am proud of myself...
The things I would like to do...
Things I don't like much about myself...
2. Write a prayer telling God the things you want to change in yourself and ask God the things you wish for.
/ ε / sound
To produce the / ε / sound, let the middle part of the tongue bunch forward while the tip of the tongue is against the back of the lower front teeth. Lips and teeth are slightly parted in a “half smile” position.
This sound does not occur in the final position.
Exercise 1
/ æ / sound
To produce the /æ/ sound, put the tip of the tongue slightly upward and above the lower front teeth. The teeth are slightly parted while the lips are widely opened and stretched upward.
This sound is voiced so there should be vibration when it is produced. It occurs only in the initial and medial position.
Exercise 2
Activity 1

Read each word correctly. Group the words with their sound. Write it under the appropriate column.
Activity 2
Read each word correctly. Underline the word which has a different sound from the rest.

1. match, hatch, fetch, batch
2. bag, land, sad, pest
3. tender, scent, sat, bed
4. nap, well, bell, present
5. manners, bear, cash, fact
6. eleven, tap cat, hat
7. wreck, said, hands, pet
8. rack, hen, add, man
9. gas, hence, am, fat
10. van, belt, yell, sell

Activity 3
Read each sentence carefully. Choose the right word in the parenthesis to complete the sentence. Underline your answer.
1. They found a new (track, trek) during their (track, trek) through the jungle.
2. She has a (knack, neck) for being everybody’s pain in the (knack, neck).
3. The man (said, sad) that the story made him (said, sad).
4. At the (band, bend) of the road, they found a (band. bend) of musicians waiting for the parade.
5. Don’t ever (pat, pet) a tiger on the head unless it is your (pat, pet).
6. That (slander, slender) girl looks too innocent to be accused of (slander, slender).
7. She needs a new (bad, bed) for his (bad, bed) back.
8. (Send, Send) the round table before you (send, sand) it to the buyer.
9. Can you (land, lend) me your hand so that I can (land, lend) a good job?
10.The man suddenly (laughed, left) when h learned that the girl had (laughed, left) him.
Read the story below and answer the questions that follow.
Monina A. Mercado
I am Juan Picas, born half of myself. I had only one eye, one ear, one arm, one, leg, one half of a body. My mother wept when she saw me, but loved me as I grew up and never regarded me as abnormal. My father, too, must have wept, although he never spoke of this. He also took me as I was and loved me as much as he knew.
I grew in their care, I thrived in their love. As far as I knew, I was entire; I thought myself whole. Like all babies, I learned first to smile and then to coo, to babble, and know my mother and father, too. I learned to crawl and sit up and, in time, to toddle.
I learned to speak, but even before that, I learned to laugh. My mother taught me laughter, perhaps even before I learned how to cry. She showered me with good cheer and constant delight. She taught me how to sing.
My father taught me how to see. The birds of the sky, the trees, the flowers that grew, the rain that fell and the winds that roared in the night – these my father spoke of and made me see how perfectly they fitted into our world and made it as lovely as it can be.
My father also spoke of people, saying that they are on this earth and living life as in a test. All that mattered was a life spent doing good. A man should apply his days in work and by his hands, hone his heart in service to God and his fellowmen. Less than this in intent and in labor done, a man’s days are but in vain. My father said this, and I realized how he directed his day and how he wished my life to be.
My father often spoke of God, as did my mother. The father in heaven who made us and whose Will keep us alive. God orders our days from our birth, through our youth and manhood, through age and through death and the afterlife. He has the whole world in His hands, rules the beating of our hearts, knows the numbers of our hair, and loves us in everything whether good or ill befalls us. All of life’s roads lead to Him; the answer to life’s questions lie to Him; the meaning of life is with Him. My mother and father taught me this and I learned it.
So I grew up a happy child swathed in kindness. My parents sheltered me and keep me away from prying eyes. I did not know harshness, cruelty even less; until as a frisky boy I set out to explore the world on my own. When ridicule sprang, I was bewildered and asked my parents why other children laughed and poked fun at me.
I had no playmates, I would not make friends. The very young fled in fright. Children as big as I was when surprised had ebbed plied me with questions to which I could not reply. Some hooted, many laughed and called me at their kindest, odd. Some even threw stones – which always missed for they hit my missing half.
Other people stared, too, and would not believe their eyes. They whispered about me and spoke behind their hands. What monster is this? They cried. Who sired him? And who bore him in the womb? They must be cursed.
I could not bear to hear my parents maligned. Without wishing them pain, I knew I had to ask them why: why was I like this and not like the rest; why was I born with just half of me, and not one whole as the others are; and where, if they knew, was the other half?
My mother wept, unable to answer. My father bowed his head and held me close. He did not know the answer, either. He never thought to pursue the question, trusting that God knew what He was doing. He made me and gave me to my parents to love. My father said, however, that I wished I could go by myself and seek out God for the answers I was seeking.
I knew I was a grown boy and could take care of myself. Certainly, I could find the way to God and I was willing to journey where I must, spending days, nights, months – nay, even years – to find in Him my entire self.
I set out with my parents’ blessings. I traveled through strange countries, walked among strange men and creatures. “Where are you going?” they always asked. Is said I am seeking God to ask Him why I was born one half of myself and where was the other half.
Nearly everyone, when each one learned that it was God whom I sought, they, too, realized that they also have a message for Him that was a question like mine. I met a creature in the shape of a horse that was tethered with a short rope. He was hefty, but he wanted to know why his tether was short. Why was it not longer so that he could wander and go wherever he pleased. He was so skinny, his bones showing through. Why was he so thin and ugly? He entrusted me to ask this question to God.
At the crossroads, I met a man who spent his days ostentatiously doing good – helping those who were lost, burdened, or tired; feeding the hungry and giving drink to the thirsty; binding the wounds of those who were hurt and comforting those who wept. He proclaimed goodness and love and condemned those who did not do. What was his reward for such deed? He entrusted me to ask this question to God.
Finally, beside waterfall, I met a man who hid among the rocks and from there, robbed the unsuspecting and ignorant. He divested them of their possessions and if they had none, he whipped them in his fury, leaving them weak and wounded and poor. He knew he did wrong. What was his punishment? He entrusted me to ask this question to God.
After much traveling day and night, along smooth roads and on rough, running at times or stumbling along, covering miles in a day or going around in circles, my strength often fails me and my heart throbs with fear; but constant in faith, I, at last, reached God.
He was not like lightning or raging fire. Neither was he like a thunder nor whooshing like the wind. He was not blinding like the sun nor distant like the stars. He was gentle as an evening breeze that caresses my sleeping brow. He was certain like the voices I hear about me in my walking, at my work, and play. And He was real as the most ordinary events of everyday life.
I did not have to go far from where I was. In the most usual circumstances of my life, among those I knew and amid what I always did, there I found God. He was mirrored in my mother’s gentleness and in my father’s wisdom. I was not afraid to speak to Him. First, I asked the questions of the men and the creatures I met and then, my own. I learned from His answers that His ways and thoughts are not of men.
God said that the horse with short tether knew best how to make of his situation, and so he was hefty. The horse with a long tether did not profit from his instincts, so he was deprived of them. The robber by the waterfalls knew his wrong doings and seeing the error of his ways will make amends and reap his rewards with God. But the man at the crossroads who worked for reward, showing off his deeds, judging men and condemning those who did not do as he did, was a vain performer and did not really serve God; he had already reaped his paltry-sized prize and would not see Him.
And what is to become of me? I asked at last. Will I always be what I am? Do I serve Him, part of myself that I am, the other half not there?
God seemed to smile at my way. I heard Him say that He was glad I had come to Him at last. I had used my mind well, He said. I had followed my heart well, too. Didn’t I know that God rewards those who, in every way, seek Him through all their days?
Be whole, God said. Be one whole body. So it was. But now, as a reward for seeking God, I was whole at last, I sought and found. I journeyed and I arrived.

Ref. Exploring Life through Filipino Literature I pp. 23 – 26


Given are the definitions of the words found in the story you read. Read each carefully and find the words being defined in the story.

___________1. to grow luxuriantly; flourish; to gain in wealth or possessions; prosper
___________2. to speak evil of; defame
___________3. pretentious or excessive display
___________4. to look into or travel thoroughly; to examine carefully
___________5. to bind or wrap with or as if with a bandage
___________6. intense and often destructive rage; extreme fierceness or violence
___________7. to laugh at or make fun of mockingly or contemptuously
___________8. perplex; confuse
___________9. to stir up by prodding; hit; punch

___________10. to change for the better; improve

1. Who is Juan Picas?
2. What was he searching for?
3. How was Juan Picas brought up by his parents?
4. How did Juan Picas find God?
5. Where did he find God?
Arrange the following events according to the sequence from the story. Use number 1 to indicate the first event, then 2, 3, 4, and 5 for the last event.

___1. He finally had the courage to search for God and the answers to his questions.
___2. He, at last, found God and realized that God is in his everyday life.
___3. He met many people, who also have questions to God, along the way.
___4. Juan Picas was born half of himself.
___5. He was brought up by his parents with the love and care he needed.

1. What does Juan Picas represent?
2. In what ways you are like Juan Picas?
3. If you will be given the chance to face God and granted for one question, what will you ask? Why?

Write TRUE if the sentence is grammatically correct and FALSE if not then, underline the Verb.

_______1. Your presence is a present to the world.
_______2. Everybody want to invest friendship.
_______3. A number of young people succeed in life because of perseverance.
_______4. The students, including the teacher, believe in friendship as a good investment.
_______5. Ms. Alana, together with her children, believe in friendship as a good investment.
Pick out the Conjunctions used and classify its kind.

1. Our country is poor because the government engages in liberalization policies. ____________________
2. The assumption that the Filipinos are blessed is really felt by only a few. ____________________________
3. They will not experience hunger if people work hard. _____________________________________________
4. Daddy plays the guitar and mommy sings the song beautifully. ___________________________________
5. We planned to have a picnic but the weather doesn’t allow us to. ________________________________


1. Which part of this module strucked you most? Why?

2. Are there important points you learned from this module? Why did you consider it as important?

Have you been asking what life’s purpose is? What do you want to be and what do you want in life? Do you often wonder what your role in life is and where you are headed? You are probably experiencing an “identity crisis”. It usually happens in the teenage years. How you resolve this crisis will determine your ability to face future challenges.
The lessons in this unit have been arranged according to an ever widening scope of experience. They should help you identify and resolve certain crises that usually happen as a series of stages that are part of the gradual development you go through from your younger years to the age you are in now. Through these, you can have a strong sense of roots by valuing family heritage; achieving a sense of identity and independence in your desire to break free; defining choices in life by rising to the challenges; and eventually, translating your visions into reality.
It’s a great way to think that after studying and working on all activities in this module, you will be able to:

a.) explore opportunities for obtaining various views on a given issue by listening to panel discussion
b.) use varied ways of organizing information
c.) organize information from a written text into an outline
d.) express emotional reaction to what has been read
e.) use concept maps to show relationships between and among ideas abstracted from the text
f.) master the rules of Subject-Verb Agreement
g.) pronounce the words correctly

1.) Read each section carefully. If you have not read the first two sections, go over them first.
2.) Each module begins with a brief introduction or Overview followed by a list of Objectives you are expected to learn.
3.) Before working on the activities, answer the Pretest first. Find out how well you did by checking your answers against the answers given under the Self-check of the pretest.
4.) As you work on the activities, try to relate them to the objectives of this module. What skill or strategy does the activity develop?

5.) After working on all the activities take the Posttest.
I received this note from my daughter China. Was it because I reprimanded her for coming home late, and nagged her with a barrage of whys and whats? Later, I prayed. Mothers never stop worrying about their children even when they both have gray hair. For mothers, children are babies forever.

Here’s China’s message that went with her note.
A little boy asked his mother, “Why are you crying?” “Because I’m a woman,” she told him. “I don’t understand,” he said. His mom just hugged him and said, “And you never will.”

Later, the little boy asked his father, “Why does mother seem to cry for no reason?” “All women cry for no reason,” was all his dad could say.

The little boy grew up to be a man, still wondering why women cry. Finally, he put in a call to God. When God got on the phone, he asked, “God, why do women cry so easily?”

God said, “When I made to woman, she had to be special. I made her shoulders strong enough to carry the weight of the world, yet gentle enough to give comfort. I gave her strength to endure childbirth and the rejection that many times come from her children.

I gave her a hardness that allows her to keep going when everyone else gives up, and take care of her family through sickness and fatigue without complaining.

I gave her the sensitivity for her children under any and all circumstances.

I gave her strength to carry her husband through his faults and fashioned her from his rib to protect his heart.
I gave her wisdom to know that a good husband never hurts his wife, but sometimes tests her strength and her resolve to stand beside him unfalteringly.
And finally, I gave her a tear to shed. This is hers exclusively to use whenever it is needed.

You see son,” said God, “The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair.

The beauty of a woman must be seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart – the place where love resides.”
I love you!
I. Vocabulary and Comprehension
A. Vocabulary
Given are the definitions of the words found in the article you read. Read each carefully and find the words being defined in the article.
_______________1. a severe or formal reproof; to reprove severely or formally
_______________2. to find fault incessantly; to irritate by constant scolding or urging; complain
_______________3. a heavy concentration of fire
_______________4. uncommon; noteworthy; unique; extra
_______________5. last, persist; to suffer firmly or patiently
B. Comprehension

1.) What is the subject of the column?
2.) What answers to the boy’s question did not satisfy him?
3.) Whom did he ask finally?
4.) Where does the beauty of a woman lie?
5.) What is the aim of the columnist?
II. Critical Thinking
1. How did God create women?
2. What does God mean when He said, “The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman must be seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart – the place where love resides”?
3. Why do you think God created women in a very special way?
III. Grammar
Read each sentence carefully. Put a ( √ ) if the sentence is grammatically correct. Put an ( X ) if it is not grammatically correct.

___1. China’s mother were very happy.
___2. The boy in the article is wondering why women cry without reason.
___3. God explained how special the women are.
___4. Mothers most often experiences rejection.
___5. Mothers never ceases to love and care for their children.
___6. Love are seen in the eyes.
___7. God always put perfection in His works.
___8. The aim of the columnist are to pay tribute to mothers.
___9. The role of the mother is very difficult to understand.
___10. China loved her mother very much.
Activity 4
There are two basic rules of Subject and Verb Agreement that govern all of the other rules.
A singular subject must have a singular verb
A plural subject must have a plural verb
Fill each blank with either is, are, or am.

The famous restaurant ___ located at Greenbelt. Italian woodfire oven pizzas and freshly made pasta ___ the main attractions of the place. The manager and owner of the restaurant ___ always around to see if the customers ___ all satisfied. Everybody ___ given the best service which ___ the policy of the restaurant. Anyone ___ welcome to give suggestions for the good of the restaurant and for the satisfaction of the customers. One half of the area ___ allotted not only to eating but also listening to good music which ___ well-selected to relax everyone. The manager hopes that a customer can always say “I ___ a satisfied customer.”
Activity 5
Complete the following sentences with am, is, or are.

1.) The children ____ at the playground.
2.) The box ____ on the table.
3.) Memories ____ the title of the essay that I’m writing.
4.) Anybody ____ qualified to join the contest.
5.) Some ____ to be sent home later.
6.) Both ___ coming.
7.) Everybody ____ invited.
8.) Someone ____ using the phone.
9.) Either ____ correct.
10.) Several more ____ needed.
Activity 6
Underline the correct verb that agrees with subject.

1.) The people (prepare, prepares) for the town fiesta now.
2.) The child (is, are) happy about the celebration going on.
3.) Every Saturday, my classmates (comes, comes) to play basketball.
4.) He (lives, live) five kilometers away from our school.
5.) Everyday I (see, sees) him in the church.
6.) Right now, he (pray, prays).
7.) Mother (prepares, prepare) a nutritious breakfast right now.
8.) She always (report, reports) on time.
9.) The number of applicants (increases, increases) each year.
10.) The students (look up, looks up) the room now.

1. Develop a 3 paragraph composition about your mother – the things you like about your mother; the things you don’t like about her; and your relationship at present. Observe the parts of a paragraph – Introduction, Body, and Conclusion. Make your own title.

2. Write a letter to your mother thanking her for her care.


/ İ / and / І / sounds

To produce / i / sound, the tongue is bunched forward with its tip pressing the lower front teeth. The teeth and the lips are slightly parted as in a smile. The tongue, lips, and jaw are all rigid as the air is pushed from the mouth.
The / i / sound is the highest of all the front vowels and it is voiced like all other vowels.

Exercise 1


To produce the / I / sound, keep the tongue bunched up toward the front of the mouth. The tip of the tongue is behind the lower front teeth. Lips and teeth are very narrowly parted. The lips are more relaxed than those for / i /. As the air moves through the mouth, the mid part of the tongue is arched upward toward the hard palate.

Exercise 2


Exercise 3
1. Go back to your seat and sit down.
2. I have to leave this place if I want to live longer.
3. Do you think it is a sin to watch that violent scene in the film?
4. Peel the fruit and swallow it like a pill.
5. The old man slipped in the bathroom and fell into a deep sleep.

Activity 1

Read each word correctly. Then group them according to the sounds / i / and / I /.


Activity 2
Box the word which does not belong to the group.

1. heat, seat, feet, knit
2. fill, till, skill, neat
3. niece, here, fear, hill
4. still, kiss, bill, wheel
5. heat, heals, bee, myth
6. chick, little, chips, women
7. plea, speak, dean, win
8. skin, pin, thin, heal
9. fleet, clean, bean, sin
10. fill, in, it, eat

Activity 3
Choose the right word in the parenthesis to complete the sentence. Underline your answer.

1. They want to (pitch, peach) the tent under the (pitch, peach) tree.
2. Cut the sugar (bits, beets) into small (bits, beets).
3. Did a (chick, cheek) kiss him on the (chick, cheek)?
4. When your foot (heals, hills) you can climb those (heals, hills).
5. Let us (slip, sleep) out quietly so that he can go to (slip, sleep).
6. In the (heat, hit) of the argument, he will (heat, hit) the target.
7. Have a (dip, deep) in the lake but do not go to the (dip, deep) side.
8. They will (sheep, ship) the (sheep, ship) to New Zealand.
9. The (reach, rich) have a higher (reach, rich).
10. (Feel, fill) it with air and then (feel, fill) it.


Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.

The Runaway
Robert Frost

Once when the snow of the year was beginning to fall,
We stopped by a mountain pasture to say, “Whose colt?”
A little Morgan had once one forefoot on the wall,
The other curled at his breast. He dipped his head
And snorted at us. And then he had to bolt.
We heard the miniature thunder where he fled,
And we saw him, or though we saw him, dim and gray,
Like a shadow against the curtain of falling flakes.
“I think the little fellow’s afraid of the snow.
He isn’t winter-broken. It isn’t play
With the little fellow at all. He’s running away.
I doubt if even his mother could tell him, “Sakes,
It’s only weather. He’d think she didn’t know!
Where is his mother? He can’t be out alone.”
And now he comes again with clatter of stone,
And mounts the wall again with whited eyes
And all his tail that isn’t hair up straight.
He shudders his coat as if to throw off flies.
“Whoever it is that leaves him out so late,
When other creatures have gone top stall and bin,
Ought to be told to come and take him in.”

Ref: English Expressways III page 79

I. Vocabulary and Comprehension
A. Vocabulary

Given are the definitions of the words found in the article you read. Read each carefully and find the words being defined in the article.

________________1. land or plot of a land used for grazing
________________2. a young male horse
________________3. a copy on a much reduced scale
________________4. comrade, associate, one of a pair
________________5. tremble, quake

B. Comprehension

1. What is a runaway?
2. Why do you think Robert Frost called the poem The Runaway?
3. What is the colt running away from?
4. How does the speaker feel about the person who has left the colt?

5. How will the experience of the colt contribute to his maturity as a stallion someday?

II. Critical Thinking

1.) What made you similar and different with the colt in the poem? Develop 3 paragraphs to expound your answers.

III. Grammar

Read each sentence carefully. Put a ( √ ) if the sentence is grammatically correct. Put an ( X ) if it is not grammatically correct.

___1. The kitchen, as well as the dining room, are the busiest part of the house.
___2. The stove with four burners are located far from the refrigerator.
___3. The grocery items have their own place for storage.
___4. The council are debating on the proposed measures.
___5. The faculty believe in academic freedom.
___6. The panel of judges is unable to come to a decision.
___7. Each are entitled to his own opinion.
___8. The children seeks attention from their teacher.
___9. The boy studies in our school.
___10. The basket of eggs is on the table.


1.) What did you learned from this lesson?

2.) How can I use this knowledge?

3.) What is then my challenge?